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Worldmapper has a new website with many updated and new maps:
Our archive currently encounters some technical problems. If you are searching for an old map and don't find it on our new website, please contact us.
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Female Youth Unemployed
145. Female Youth Unemployed
Male Youth Unemployed
146. Male Youth Unemployed
Women's Income
147. Women's Income
Men's Income
148. Men's Income
Poorest Tenth
149. Poorest Tenth
Richest Tenth
150. Richest Tenth
Poorest Fifth
151. Poorest Fifth
Richest Fifth
152. Richest Fifth
Earning Up-To-10
153. Living on up to $10
Earning 10-To-20
154. Living on $10 to $20
Earning 20-To-50
155. Living on $20 to $50
Earning 50-To-100
156. Living on $50 to $100

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Sheffield University Logo University of Michigan Logo
The Geographical Association Logo
Center for the Study of Complex Systems logo Society of Cartographers logo
The Leverhulme Trust Logo