As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality exist in our world, none of us can truly rest.
Nelson Mandela (2005)
The 2019 Global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) “looks beyond income to understand how people experience poverty in multiple and simultaneous ways. It identifies how people are being left behind across three key dimensions: health, education and standard of living, comprising 10 indicators. People who experience deprivation in at least one third of these weighted indicators fall into the category of multidimensionally poor.” (UNDP/OPHI, 2019)
“It uses micro data from household surveys, and—unlike the Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index—all the indicators needed to construct the measure must come from the same survey. Each person in a given household is classified as poor or non-poor depending on the weighted number of deprivations his or her household, and thus, he or she experiences. These data are then aggregated into the national measure of poverty.” (UNDP, 2019)
The report compiles data from 101 countries with a total population of 5.7 billion, or 76% of the world total. According to the report, 1.3 billion people in these countries lived in multidimensional poverty.