Fish is the only food that is considered spoiled once it smells like what it is.
The biggest producer of Freshwater Fish is China, followed by India, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Vietnam. Myanmar, Norway, Egypt, Brazil and Chile complete the top 10. Nigeria and Uganda are the only other African countries among the top 20. The numbers include aquaculture. In some countries – such as Egypt – the majority of the supply is produced from aquaculture.
Included in the production are whole fish, fish fillets, cured or canned or other processed fish.
According to FAO: ,Food supply data is some of the most important data in FAOSTAT. In fact, this data is for the basis for estimation of global and national undernourishment assessment, when it is combined with parameters and other data sets. This data has been the foundation of food balance sheets ever since they were first constructed. The data is accessed by both business and governments for economic analysis and policy setting, as well as being used by the academic community. Commodity Balances – Livestock and Fish Primary Equivalent